Don't let screws slow you down

Introducing the extremely robust FEIN E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN saw blade.

Mississauga, August 2019. FEIN presents the new E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN saw blade with Starlock mount, further expanding FEIN’s large range of accessories. The blade’s carbide teeth coupled with a TiN coating makes this accessory robust and resilient, ensuring a very long service life. Even hard and abrasive materials can be handled with ease.

The E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN saw blade sets new standards in robust work with oscillating multi-tools and compatible accessories. This is because neither bricks nor hardened or high-strength machine screws can clog the saw blade thanks to the blade’s carbide teeth. What’s more and something that is unique to FEIN, is that these teeth have a coating made from the metallic hardening component titanium nitride (or TiN for short), giving the saw blade even greater stability and making it even more resistant to corrosion.

The TiN coating delivers another key benefit: when the saw blade enters the material to be cut, natural friction occurs followed by the production of heat which may damage the saw blade over time. The TiN coating reduces this production of heat, which greatly increases the longevity of the saw blade over saw blades with HSS teeth and especially over uncoated carbide blades.


Application solutions:E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN overcomes difficult materials
When developing the new saw blade, FEIN listened to the challenges of end users. As a result, the E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN is the solution, as product manager Luisa Riem explains: “FEIN developed the new E-Cut Carbide Pro BiM-TiN saw blade for interior and metal professionals as well as keen DIY enthusiasts who don’t work under clinical lab conditions and do encounter obstacles in their material. Every time they tackle a job, they may encounter screws and other hard materials and our robust saw blade will assist them.”


For everyone from window installers to metalworkers: E-Cut Carbide Pro will solve problems for years to come
Joiners, carpenters, painters or electricians working on interior jobs, locksmiths, vehicle bodywork: all these professions need oscillating multi-tool accessories which aren't damaged if used in places where the base cannot be seen clearly.

For example, when window installers use oscillating multi-tools to remove old windows, they often come across hardened screws. In such circumstances, standard saw blades like the E-Cut Long-Life can cut through soft nails without being damaged but the new E-Cut Carbide Pro with TiN coating also cuts through hardened screws.

This robust saw blade is of interest to floorers because they can use the oscillating multi-tool to work on door frames, for example, behind which there is often masonry or concrete which the saw blade may hit. Carpenters or joiners sawing into wood during renovation work in old buildings, for example, run the risk of encountering screws or other metallic objects in the material. If they use the new carbide saw blade, its teeth will remain undamaged in both cases. And there’s more: if professionals need to rework interior bricks, this newly developed saw blade is ideal.

Tradesmen will be able to saw off protruding screws and nails to allow them to cleanly continue their work. A metalworker will be able to flexibly complete smaller jobs with this saw blade, plus it is also proving to be a real problem-solver for locksmiths and for those who saw off rusted exhaust screws in automotive workshops.

FEIN, le partenaire pour les systèmes d’outils électroportatifs de qualité supérieure

FEIN est spécialisé dans l'outillage électroportatif professionnel de qualité et haut de gamme pour les domaines de l’industrie et de l’artisanat. En 1867, Wilhelm Emil Fein inventa le premier outil électroportatif du monde. Ce fût le début d'une histoire florissante pour cette entreprise allemande au rayonnement international. Aujourd’hui, FEIN possède plus de 700 droits de propriété industrielle actifs, dont environ 500 brevets ou demandes de brevet. FEIN propose ses solutions pour les domaines du métal, du second-oeuvre et de l'automobile dans le monde entier avec plus de 16 filiales et 50 représentations. En sa qualité d’entreprise familiale autonome, FEIN adopte une culture d’entreprise ouverte qui favorise les relations humaines et l'émergeance d'idées novatrices. Son siège social situé à Schwäbisch Gmünd-Bargau, en Allemagne, abrite son plus grand site de production. Ce dernier travaille en étroite collaboration avec d'autres sites de production situés en Asie et en Amérique du Nord afin d'assurer le même standing de qualité dans la fabrication de l'outillage électroportatif premium de FEIN. Justement, l'une de ses plus grande fierté est l'investissement et la créativité de ses 800 salariés présent dans le monde entier, qui contribuent quotidiennement au développement de FEIN et de ses nouveaux produits. FEIN perdure depuis plus de 150 ans. Merci à vous, à nos salariés et à nos clients !